Our males / Naši psi
Glow Tangerine for Oh Idea
white medium male / střední bílý pes (CKC EJ705115)
DOB / narozen: 14.5.2017
father / otec: Mivida Cyr Aramis with Glow (US)
mother / matka: Glow Blanca Nieves (CA)
pedigree / rodokmen: http://poodledata.org
owner / majitel: Markéta Hronová, kennel Oh Idea (CZ)
breeder / chovatel: Gloria Koolsbergen, kennel Glow (CA)
prcd-PRA: A (by vemodia)
PL: 0/1
ED: 0/0
teeth / zuby: 42, correct bite
height / výška: 41 cm
titles / tituly: Czech Champion, multi Cacib, BOB, ...
Majestic White Yrtep
white medium male / střední bílý pes (CMKU/P/17911/13)
DOB / narozen: 30.7.2013
father / otec: Klark Ivemon (CZ)
mother / matka: Chic Snowflake Yrtep (CZ)
pedigree / rodokmen: http://poodledata.org
owner / majitel: Kateřina Tamchynová (CZ)
breeder / chovatel: Petra Kučerová, kennel Yrtep (CZ)
prcd-PRA: A (by vemodia)
PL: 0/0
ED: 0/0
teeth / zuby: 42, correct bite
height / výška: 40 cm
titles / tituly: Czech Champion, res. CACIB, 4x CAC, CACA, res. CACA, 2x #2 Best medium male, #4 Best medium male, 3x Best modern clip, Best puppy
Casper Centurion Gladiator
white medium male / střední bílý pes (COR A 1203-15/172; ČLP/P/19412)
DOB / narozen: 31.1.2015
father / otec: Klark Ivemon (CZ)
mother / matka: Distinkto Cassidy-Pink (RO)
pedigree / rodokmen: http://poodledata.org
owner / majitel: Lenka Smutná (CZ)
breeder / chovatel: Buru Paula & Anton Alex, kennel Centurion Gladiator (RO)
prcd-PRA: A (by vemodia)
PL: 0/0
teeth / zuby: 41 (missing 1x P2 in the lower jaw), correct bite
height / výška: 37 cm
titles / tituly: 2x club CC, exellent 1st, VP 1st
Klark Ivemon
white medium male / střední bílý pes (CMKU/P/1449/05/08)
DOB / narozen: 16.12.2005
DOD / zemřel: 1.1.2021
father / otec: Magic Joker´s You Are My Inspiration (import DE)
mother / matka: Chil of Ravilas Ivemon (CZ)
pedigree / rodokmen: http://poodledata.org
owner / majitel: Markéta Hronová, kennel Oh Idea (CZ)
breeder / chovatel: Hana Grossová, kennel Ivemon (CZ)
PRA: neg.
prcd-PRA: A (by Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky České republiky)
PL: 0/1
ED: 0/0
teeth / zuby: 42, correct bite
height / výška: 39 cm
titles / tituly: C.I.B. , Czech Champion, Hungarian Champion, Polish Champion, Slovakian Champion, Ukrainian Champion, Slovenian Champion, Austrian Champion
Czech Grandchampion, Club Champion KPaCHP o.s., 9x CACIB, 9x res. CACIB, 5x BOB, 5x BOS, reserve all breed BIS, BOD, BIG, BISS, BISS #3, BISS #4, veteran all breed BIS, National Winner, Club Winner, Speciality Winner,
10x CAC CZ, 10x CAC HU (1x WDS Budapest ´13, 1x EDS Budapest ´08, 1x Hungarian Poodle Club Show Budapest ´08), 4x CAC SK (1x WDS Bratislava ´09), 3x CWC, 2x CAC UA, 2x CAC HR, 4x CAC SI, 4x CACA, 1x res. CACL, ...